Washington, DC – Today the Commission released its Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Justification submitted earlier to the Postal Service Board of Governors in accordance with Title 39, United States Code, Section 205.
Washington, DC – Today the Commission released its Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Justification submitted earlier to the Postal Service Board of Governors in accordance with Title 39, United States Code, Section 205.
Washington, DC – Today, the Postal Regulatory Commission issued its analysis of the United States Postal Service Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Annual Performance Report and FY 2023 Performance Plan. Each year, the Commission reviews the Postal Service’s performance goals, makes findings as to whether it has met those goals, and offers recommendations regarding the protection or promotion of public policy objectives in Title 39 of the United States Code. 39 U.S.C.
Washington, DC – Today the Postal Regulatory Commission released its Financial Analysis report, an in-depth evaluation of the overall financial position of the United States Postal Service in Fiscal Year (FY) 2022.
Washington, DC – The Postal Regulatory Commission today established Public Inquiry Docket No. PI2023-4 (PI2023-4) to provide a forum to gather information, provide transparency, and learn more about the Postal Service’s Delivering for America strategic initiatives that may have a significant impact on the postal community.
Washington, DC – Today the Postal Regulatory Commission issued its FY 2022 Annual Compliance Determination assessing the Postal Service’s compliance with rates and service performance. The Commission is required to issue its Determination 90 days after the filing of the Postal Service’s Annual Compliance Report (ACR) (39 U.S.C. Section 3653).
Washington, DC –
As adopted by the Joint Explanatory Statement accompanying the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022, the House of Representatives Report 117-79 states:
Washington, DC – Today the Postal Regulatory Commission released its Annual Report to the President and Congress summarizing many of the activities undertaken by the Commission throughout the year.
Washington, DC - The Postal Regulatory Commission voted unanimously to designate Commissioner Mark Acton as vice chairman of the Commission effective January 1, 2023, succeeding Commissioner Ann Fisher. Agency regulations provide that the commissioners elect a member to serve as vice chairman for a term of one year.
Washington, DC – Today the Postal Regulatory Commission unveiled its 2023-2028 Strategic Plan. The Plan is robust and resilient, allowing the Commission to anticipate changes to the postal system and to adapt as necessary to ensure transparency and accountability of the United States Postal Service.
Washington, DC – Today the Postal Regulatory Commission released its advisory opinion on a Postal Service plan to revise the critical entry times (CETs) for some categories of Periodicals mail. The CET is the latest time a mailpiece may be tendered to the Postal Service and still have the day count when measuring that mail’s service performance. (Docket No. N2022-2).
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