PRC Reports
12/15/2015 | Quantification of Financial Transfers Caused by Universal Postal Union Terminal Dues |
cover page revised report by Copenhagen Economics_0.docx
Quantification of financial transfers caused by Universal Postal Union terminal dues_221215_revised_0.docx cover page revised report by Copenhagen Economics_0.pdf Quantification of financial transfers caused by Universal Postal Union terminal dues_221215_revised_0.pdf Download All |
09/30/2014 | The Economics of Terminal Dues -- Final report | |
09/30/2014 | The Role of Costs for Postal Regulation | |
09/30/2014 | The Postal Service Variability Rate and Some Implications | |
09/30/2014 | The Calculation of Postal Inframarginal Costs | |
07/07/2014 | Review of Postal Service FY 2013 Performance Report and FY 2014 Performance Plan | |
08/22/2014 | Swiss Economics Estimate of Financial Impact of Discontinuing Saturday Delivery of Letters and Flats | |
04/10/2014 | Analysis of United States Postal Service Financial Results and 10-K Statement for Fiscal Year 2013 (Revised April 10, 2014) | |
10/13/2011 | Periodicals Mail Study Report | |
06/30/2010 | Civil Service Retirement System Cost and Benefit Allocation Principles |