PRC Staff |
Will Entrants into a Liberalized Delivery Market Attract Investors Robert H. Cohen. Presented June 2-5, 2004 at the Twelfth Conference on Postal and Delivery Economics, Cork, Ireland. | |
Edward S. Pearsall |
The Potential Welfare Benefits From Two-Part Tariffs for Bulk Mailers Sponsored by the Postal Rate Commission and presented November 13-14, 2003 at the Third Conference on "Regulation, Competition and Universal Service in the Postal Sector," | |
PRC Staff |
The Cost of Universal Service in the U.S. and Its Impact on Competition Robert H. Cohen. | |
PRC Staff |
An Empirical Analysis of the Graveyard Spiral Robert H. Cohen. Presented June 4-7, 2003 at the Eleventh Conference on Postal and Delivery Economics, Toledo, Spain. Published in Competitive Transformation of the Postal and Delivery Sector, | |
Richard B. Kielbowicz |
Universal Postal Service: A Policy History, 1790-1970 | |
PRC Staff |
The Postal Services Commission (Postcomm) The Independent National Regulatory Body for the UK Postal Sector | |
PRC Staff |
A Comparison of the Burden of Universal Service in Italy and the United States Robert H. Cohen. Presented June 6-9, 2001 at the Ninth Conference on Postal and Delivery Economics, Sorrento, Italy. | |
PRC Staff |
Postal Administrations and Non-Postal Products A study of Justifications and Difficulties Associated with Decisions to Diversify Into Non-Postal Areas Robert Mitchell. Presented at the 9th Conference on Postal and Delivery Economics, June 6-9, 2001, Sorre | |
PRC Staff |
The Impact of Using Worksharing to Liberalize a Postal Market Presented February 19-21, 2001 at the WIK 6th Koenigswinter Seminar on Postal Economics. Published in Liberalisation of Postal Markets | |
PRC Staff |
Preparing the Postal Service's Rate Structures for Competition: A Study of How the United States Postal Service Might Adjust to Increased Competitive Pressure Robert Mitchell. Presented June 7-10, 2000 at the Conference on Postal Delivery and Economics, T |